Submitting Your Drafts

Drafts are due by the end of the day Sunday–by email, to me and your writing group. If you are ready earlier, feel free to send it along then. We can all get started reading.

Be sure to include:

  1. A revised ballroom diagram. Just make any changes, additions, or subtractions that represent the evolution of your project since your annotated bibliography.
  2. A cover note that includes the following: A description of what you hope to achieve; a description of the motivating moves you’ve made; an explanation of what you think is working well and what you think needs work; and, finally, any other information you want readers to think about as they give you feedback.

Within writing groups, I’ll assign one reader to read each draft and write a letter with feedback. Bring that letter to class. It should include the following:

  1. An explanation of the writer’s motive and thesis, in your own words.
  2. A description of the particular elements of writing the writer is using effectively.
  3. Feedback on how the essay might be improved with revision.

Bring your letter to class on Tuesday, along with a HARD COPY of your essay. It has to be a hard copy, or you won’t be able to do what I have planned for the workshop.


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