For my final blog post, I’d like to talk about a few writing techniques that I utilize when faced with difficult or long essays. To be honest, I’m the type of person to do things very last minute. I usually write my essays the day that they are due with just minutes until the deadline. If I try to start writing before that, I hit a complete writer’s block and can’t get out more than a few stunted sentences. But since it really sucks to have to push out 8-10 pages in just a few hours, I typically take a few days before the deadline to make a good old-fashioned outline. I don’t go deep into detail like we were taught in grade school (with roman numerals, letters, etc.) but I do create a “topic statement” for each paragraph I plan to write. Under each topic statement, I write the pertinent quote that I will be using, and 2-3 bullet points as to why I’ve included that quote or thought. Even though it doesn’t seem like much work, it definitely helps because it maps out the direction I need to be taking each paragraph individually while figuring out how they all mesh together as a whole. I also find that when I begin writing, skipping the introduction and the conclusion help. I end up writing all of the body paragraphs individually, then look at it all together to see if anything needs to be moved around. After I’ve figured out the order I go ahead and write the introduction and the conclusion.
Hope this helps!
P.S. Don’t write things last minute like me. That’s not the writing tip… the outline part is. (:
I think this is a great idea: “I do create a ‘topic statement’ for each paragraph I plan to write. Under each topic statement, I write the pertinent quote that I will be using, and 2-3 bullet points as to why I’ve included that quote or thought.”
Jay’s strategy is nicely pragmatic, but it would also get you thinking about both your conceptual framework and your structure, as you make decisions about what goes where.
I feel like sometimes I write a long work last minute and sometimes I feel like I wouldn’t be able to handle a long written work last minute. I also really like creating an outline and I am really interested in making an outline with the sentences topic sentences and seeing how it can flow from that.