Graduates: Eileen Maguire

At Queens College I studied both English and Sociology, which has given me an advanced psychosocial perspective and the skills to write. But what is most important to me about my studies is the accomplishment of finishing the degree. I am proud of my academic achievement. I raised four children while working on my education, and I am happy to say that they are proud of me. I set a good example for them. I showed them that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. My education has made me a richer person. 

I am a residence counselor. I work with people diagnosed with mental illness. I teach skills, write service plans and progress notes. This comes very easily to me. I would like to do something more challenging. I realized that to have more opportunities, I need more education. I am in my first semester at CUNY School for Professional Studies in the Disability Studies-MA program. My studies at Queen’s College: reading, interpreting literature, and writing have prepared me for this level of course work. This semester as a final project I am preparing an article for publication. I like the idea of writing something meaningful and with the education and passion about a subject I am excited to take on this endeavor. 

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